Monday, June 11, 2012

The Final Word

Enough tears had fallen from my eyes while sitting contemplating what to write in this last blog that the person sitting next to me in the library felt compelled to ask why I was so distraught. What could I say? That an international group of gardeners had come together to create something beautiful from the very ground we were standing on. Of course not, that poor old man would have become needlessly depressed at the thought of a such a loss and while I may sow many things, the seeds of sorrow are not one. So I simply said: A fantastic and far-reaching faction of four came together and, given finite space, fought for a formula to free them from foraging forever. They were Le Foux Du Fafa and will be sorely missed.
However, while the structures of man may tumble and fall with time, natures creations burst forth with new life. As our class ends and our group separates and departs to the distant reaches of the globe, our garden pushes along. A few strawberries are beginning to form and while they may be green now, I hold no hesitation in my mind of their red future meeting with my stomach. Also the tomatoes have finally been staked and they also have put out their first fruit. My relationship with them too has been reduced to a waiting game, one that I am sure I will win. 
There will be pictures sometime soon to corroborate my tales of growth, but until the day comes when I can figure out how to use the Bluetooth capability on my phone, the patient reader must use their minds eye.
Th-th-th-that's all folks!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

This is where it all began

Wonder what that is ?

Take a look at the video clip of the song "Foux du Fafa" from Flight of the Conchords :

And you will understand where our garden name comes from !

Enjoy this silly song and these silly characters!

"Foux du Fafa ayaaaaaaa"

Let's be Gourmet !

 Here is a french recipe coming directly from Foux du Fafa's cookbook!

Tarte aux épinards et au fromage de chèvre 
(spinach and goat cheese tart)

serving 5 persons (a big tart or 10 tartelettes) :

For the tart case:
- 150g (5,3 oz) of flour
-75g of soft butter
-a pinch of salt
-a little bit of water

For the topping:
-500g (1 lb) of fresh spinach
-2 Tbsp of crème fraîche (sour cream is ok)
-2 pinches of salt
-a log of goat cheese 

Preheat the oven to 350°F.
For the tart case, mix the flour, soft butter, salt and water. Spread out the dough in a tart tin.
Cook it in the oven (the tart must be hard but not brown), it will take probably about 15 min.

While the dough is cooking, boil water and cook the spinach for 10 min. Drain them and mix them in a blender with the cream and salt and pepper.
Pure the mix on the tart. Add on top slices of goat cheese.
Cook for 10-15 mins i.n the oven
Serve while it's warm and enjoy it with a glass of wine! 
Bon appétit!

Friday, June 8, 2012

A few References

To create these blogs we used a few different sources. Here are some of them:

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 30th

Some pictures to illustrate Henry Cakebread's story + extras

The whole garden is doing pretty well !

Nikki's bed is particularly amazing
Elsa's bed is doing quite good too !

Spinaches are recovering from cucumber beetles (still here though !)

Anne's bed is not that productive but beautiful !

Some delicious radishes show their pink outfit

And concerning the team...

Our scribe is writing on the notebook, which is good !

Henry is working, which is worth noticing too !

But most important, everybody seems to enjoy the Garden experience !

A Gift From Me to You

As I sit here contemplating what fun tidbits of information to share with you, our readers, I realize I am robbing you of a life experience. I could tell you about the collards that are exploding from the earth in Nikki’s section, the courageous lone strawberry in Elsa’s, the miserable failure of a first attempt at basil in mine or the young carrots in Anne’s that are shyly pushing their first growths into the sunlight. I could continue with a long tirade about the many weeds that seem to think our beds are a great place to call home or charm you with a tale of victory in the perhaps temporary defeat of the dastardly cucumber beetle. However all that would serve to do would be to simulate the true experience for you, the avid reader. This of course excludes our teachers who I’m sure get just about as much gardening as a soul can take. Or just enough, depending on how you look at it.
            That is why I am encouraging readers this week to escape the confines of their comfy swivel chair and get out into a garden of their own creation. Grow your own food! Stay Healthy! Experience Fulfillment!
            I understand feelings of extreme gratitude may arise towards me for this freedom I have just given you. Gifts of thanks can be sent to 1045 NW 26th Street, Corvallis Oregon. No perishables. 

A picture of the author (by Anne)